Dear Friends,
I am pleased to invite you to attend our next Inland Bays Foundation meeting on Tuesday, April 12 from 6-7:30 pm (Bethany Beach Town Hall, Bethany Beach).
Our April speaker is Chief Natosha Carmine , the first female chief of the Nanticoke tribe. Come listen to Chief Natosha speak about the 550 Nanticoke Indians living in Sussex County, the cultural origin of the “Pow Wow”, and most of all–the Nanticoke’s close association with the Indian River and the preservation of clean water for all to enjoy.
We again applaud the Feb, 29 Supreme Court decision to uphold the Chesapeake Bay Clean Water Blueprint, a much contested, five-year legal struggle between the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the American Farm Bureau Federation. According to Will Baker, President of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation: “We are going to reach out to the farm leaders to stop spending money on litigation and instead partner with us to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. The Bay can be saved in our lifetime. This is good for farming, good for the Bay, and good for the economy.”
The Inland Bays Foundation joins the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in reaching out to developers, farmers and affiliated organizations to help clean up our bays. Here in Delaware, we can also save our treasured bays in our lifetime.
We are counting in your support and that of all concerned Delaware citizens
We hope to see you next Tuesday.
Bring a friend!
For our bays,
Nancy Cabrera-Santos
Inland Bays Foundation