Sussex County Wetlands Density and Buffers Ordinances

Several members of the IBF Board attended recent public hearing on amending the calculation of permitted density for AR1 and AR2 zoned land to exclude wetlands in the calculation.  The result of the public hearing was the Council unanimously voted to close the public hearing, BUT leave the record open for any additional written comments until November 7, 2018.

You may listen to the 2 hour public hearing at:

Or read a shorter overview, from Friday, October 12 th  “Sides clash on proposed density ordinance”. in the Cape Gazette at:  Wetland Buffers.  

Please let your Sussex County representatives know how you feel about including wetlands in the density calculation.

You may submit your comments at:

If you are interested in the proposed county ordinance to increase wetland buffers, please consider signing SARG’s CARE2 Petition  at: