Friends of the environment from SARG, the League of Women Voters, the Sussex Health and Environmental Network/SHEN and others came together to support the Inland Bays at a festive dinner at the Irish Eyes in Lewes.
The evening included a 50/50 fundraiser for the Austin/Moyer Citizens Advocacy Program. The program was established last year to honor and further the legacies of John Austin, IBF’s Founding Scientist and Bill Moyer, IBF’s first president. At the dinner, IBF introduced the first project funded by the Program, The Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy. The Guide, developed in collaboration with Widener University Delaware Law School’s Natural Resources and Environmental Law Clinic, was written by Professor Ken Kristl, clinic director.
In describing The Guide, Professor Kristl wrote: The Citizen’s Guide is designed to educate and enable Delaware citizens to advocate for the environmental values we care about in state environmental permitting decisions. It explains what the laws are and how they work, when and where citizens can advocate within the process, and how to make the best case possible within those processes.
The Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Advocacy will be published on the IBF web site later this year.