Ken Kristl recieved the second annual award of the Inland Bays Foundation “Environmentalist of the year- 2015” from Doug Parham, President of the Foundation at the Foundation Dinner last Wednesday night at Irish Eyes restaurant in Lewes.
Doug stated that Ken’s contributions to environmental advocacy, his coaching of non- profit volunteers and research done by he and his students have been instrumental in combating water pollution for years. Ken recently managed the appeals process for the Foundation in connection with the Pinnacle Brownsfield’s appeal before the Delaware Superior Court.
Ken heads the Environmental Law Clinic at Widner University where he personaly contributes about 600 hours and his students contribute around 2,000 hours pro bono annually to Delaware environmental law efforts made by non profits. If you’d like to learn more about Ken please visit the “very impressive” following link- http://delawarelaw.widener.edu/current-students/faculty-directory/faculty/120
If you would like to learn more about the Inland Bays Foundation visit our web site at www.inlandBaysFoundation.org or on FaceBook