(1) Oversight of the Toxic Coal Ash Pile that has been established on the Burton’s Island site immediately adjacent to the NRG power plant and on the banks of the Indian River.
The current owner of the coal ash pile (NRG) and DNREC have entered into a remediation plan agreement. The Foundation will stringently monitor the remediation results and make strong suggestions on how their efforts can be improved.
(2) Improvement in the Sussex County management of the “Level Four” land areas mentioned in the County’s Comprehensive Management Plan
The Foundation is working closely with partners such as the League of Women Voters to meet with the State and County planners to make strong suggestions on how land use planning can be better performed to protect the sensitive environmental areas (Level Four) from encroachment by development and limit the transition away from the AR-1 (one home per acre) in the these areas. We will also work together with our Partners to ensure the revision (scheduled for 2018) to the County Comprehensive Management Plan is performed appropriately and makes provision for buffering in excess of the current 50 foot county requirement.

(3) Aggressive improvement in the management of storm water and non- point pollution programs.
Aggressive improvement in the management of storm water and non- point pollution programs.
The 2014 Delaware non- point pollution plan can be found here…
Some of the activities the Foundation is considering include:

- Investigation of the storage and distribution of chicken litter on our fields and support the plan to recycle a large part of the chicken waste that comes from chicken houses, chicken plants, hatcheries and other sources of high level animal protein waste
- Investigation of the funding and management of cover crops under the NRCS Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program
- And the Delaware Conservation Enhancement report
- Management of the Delaware Storm Water remediation program
- Identification and prevention of the expansion of impervious surfaces in the eastern end of the watershed which is rapidly becoming urban

This year- 2015, the Foundation will be focused on removing the most difficult of the pollution sources – the non- point sources we see every day in our neighborhoods, our fields, in our shopping centers, our roads and along our shore lines. This is a HUGE, difficult job to identify the sources, the polluters, and the folks responsible for fixing the pollution through enforcement of existing regulations or better land planning. We could use your help- please visit our membership page on this web site and sign up now.