Sussex County is proposing a revised ordinance to protect the property values and safety of its residents by requiring more extensive natural buffers between new residential developments and its wetlands and waters. For the past 18 months this policy (the 32 year old § 115-193 Buffer zones for wetlands and tidal and perennial nontidal waters ordinance) has been studied, discussed and debated by a workgroup of 13 County appointed stakeholders.
SARG, The Sussex County Alliance for Responsible Growth,formed as a non-partisan alliance to inform, educate and engage the citizens of Sussex County as to the critical importance of the development, adoption and implementation of the Sussex County Comprehensive Plan, provides below the first in a series of commentaries on this critical matter.
The Value of Better Wetland Buffers – Introduction
Part l – Defining Wetland and Water Natural Resources
IBF encourages you to become informed about and advocate for what SARG labels “one of the most important pieces of environmental policy in County history.”
IBF named SARG as our 2019 Environmental Award winner at our annual dinner last October.